Aim to get it done on time.
                     Aim to get it done on budget.
    Aim to get it done right the first time.

Los Angeles General Contractor

310 . 476 . 0999

"We always remind our clients, sometimes it's not about the cost to build a retaining wall but rather the cost to your property if you don't build it."

Ted Hill - Aim Higher Construction - LA General Contractor.

Hillside retaining wall fails and Aim Higher designs and rebuilds a permanent retaining wall ending problem.
The cost to build a retaining wall in Los Angeles is not expensive it you do it right the first time...the problems start when you don't and have to go back and do it again - now that's expensive.

We will be developing a new page here on the cost to build a retaining wall soon. We will break it down for you with the different kinds of retaining walls, what works best in certain situations, and the cost of building a retaining wall by an experienced contractor.

In the meantime if you need answers right now to a retaining wall issue just give us a call, we're full of ideas and would love to come on over to your house for a look.